⬤ USA Today
2023 Top 2% of Financial Advisory Firms in America!
usa today best financial advisory firms 2023 logo for wellspring financial

*Award based on independent survey carried out by USA TODAY and Statista. Firms need to be nominated by a participant in the survey. No prior registration is required, and no costs are involved for the nomination. The recommendations for each firm are summarized and evaluated anonymously. 
In addition to the survey results, additional metrics (e.g., data in relation to assets under management (AUM)) will be included in the final analysis.

● USA Today
2023 Best Financial Advisory Firms
usa today best financial advisory firms 2023 logo for wellspring financial

Award based on independent survey carried out by USA TODAY and Statista. Firms need to be nominated by a participant in the survey. No prior registration is required, and no costs are involved for the nomination. The recommendations for each firm are summarized and evaluated anonymously. 
In addition to the survey results, additional metrics (e.g., data in relation to assets under management (AUM)) will be included in the final analysis.


New Department of Labor Regulations Will Greenlight the Use of ESG Funds in Retirement Plans

  • In August, the Department of Labor submitted new proposed ESG rules to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget – the last step before publishing regulations. The proposed rules should be published before the end of this year. There is no doubt these rules will be favorable to ESG investing.

  • ESG investing, which considers environmental, social and corporate governance criteria, in addition to traditional financial criteria, has greatly increased in popularity in recent years. Money invested in ESG funds at the end of 2020 was estimated at about $17 trillion. Retirement plans have followed this trend and many now offer an ESG option.

  • For many years, the Department of Labor has gone back and forth in its position regarding ESG investing. Democratic administrations tend to favor ESG investing while Republican administrations have been skeptical. At the very end of the Trump Administration, in December of last year, the Department issued new ESG rules that make it difficult for retirement plans, subject to ERISA, to offer an ESG option. The essence of these rules is that nonpecuniary factors may not be considered in selecting investment options. In effect, the fact that a fund employs ESG criteria may only serve as a tie breaker.

Early this year the Biden administration announced that it would walk back these rules and promulgate regulations more favorable to ESG investing.

For any further questions, please do not hesitate to email Wellspring Financial Partners at info@wellspringfp.com or call 1 (844) 203-2402.

This material was created to provide accurate and reliable information on the subjects covered but should not be regarded as a complete analysis of these subjects. It is not intended to provide specific legal, tax or other professional advice. The services of an appropriate professional should be sought regarding your individual situation. ACR# 3860268 10/21. A proud member of RPAG.

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